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*What does Respect Australia hope to achieve?


To lobby for and achieve real changes to government policy to stop the rise of extreme ideologies that threaten Australia's and our childrens future for more click here (link to our about page)



*What are the policy changes you would like to see changed?


We have 10 policies currently we believe would go a long way to help for the full list click here ( link to our 10 policy's)



*Who are the members of Respect Australia?


Mums and dads, grand parents, everyday Australian's from all walks of life and nationalities from all over the country concerned about Australia's and their childrens future. 



*Are you affiliated with Reclaim Australia or any other groups?


No, but we support any and all main stream groups as rule that are creating awareness about the problems extreme ideologies and left wing groups pose to Australia's future.



*Is Respect Australia a political party?


No but we support all like minded parties including Australian Liberty Alliance (link to there page) and One Nation (link to there poage)



*Is there a group running events in my area?


Yes more than likely click here ( link to tall the pages ) and if there's not and your keen to start one up just send us and email @



*Who will be speaking at your events on behalf of Respect Australia?


We have many headline speakers from a diverse range of skill sets with an in depth knowledge on the topics that concern us including journalists, politicians, authors, scholars, former high court judges and armed forces officials to name a few click here for more information (link to info pics in the team)



*I'm concerned about these issues and would like to start a Respect committee in my area can you help me start one?


Yes, we can! If you think you can run and build a committee of like minded people to run events in your area just send us an email with your contact details and we can discuss whats required in more detail -



What can i do to help Australia and show my support?


1. Social media is a simple and easy way of helping our groups get valuable information about these issues out and build our base as often the main stream media won't report on a lot of it so like our pages, very importantly invite your like minded facebook friends to our pages and then share posts to educate others this is very important work as one by one education will win out in the end. 


2. Come along and support our safe family friendly events as its critical that we are seen and heard so make the effort a couple of times for your childrens sake if nothing else.


3. Prepared to do more than venting your concerns on facebook? Send a message the Respect Australia committee in your area and meet like minded Australians actually doing something about the problems they need your help just click here to find the nearest committee!rally-groups-/kze8t 


4. Become an official member of Respect Australia click here (link to membership sign up form)


5. Join and or just help out a right wing political party, it might just be on  a booth on polling day or helping at fund raisers they need all the help possible as they are in the best position to affect the changes to government policy to fix these problems we all face.


6. If your too busy or not near a group to join but would like to do more than share and comment on our facebook pages you could make a donation to help fund our events as it not only takes hundreds of hours of our loyal patriotic members time by thousands of dollars to run events! (full bank details here, account name, bsb, account number) or go to our donations links to use debit or credit cards for $10, $20, $50 donatations.


7. Skills wanted! Are you an IT guru or maybe great with graphics or printing? You may know a potential speaker or celebrity willing to join the team or own business that can assist in some way at an event with equipment......It all helps as Aussies we must all do our bit and unite together so any help you can offer is always welcome! 

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